
Hi, my name is Lucy, and here's a story about my life.

I lived in Clayton County, Georgia until I was turned into Animal Control in 2006.  Sarah heard about a Parvo outbreak.  They were going to euthanize half of the dogs so they could clean up the place, and when Sarah heard that, she decided to adopt me and Rufus.  My original name was Pepper, but they renamed me to Lucy, and then I started living a whole new life.

There were lots of new things, like a hanging out in the back yard with Sarah, a silly Halloween costume, being tethered, and eventually turning gray as I got older.

Things were going good back in 2006 when Sarah and Kevin got married.  I didn't quite know what to do with all those people.  I got a little scared and bit the glasses off Nicholas' face, but didn't hurt him.  I'm sorry about that.

Kevin and Sarah went to Montreal and left me and Rufus at Rex and Roxy's.  I was so glad when they came back.

When Sarah died in 2007, we started doing a lot of hiking.  Here's a partial list of the places we went:
Well, you get the point.  We did a lot of hiking.

And hiking

I liked exploring with my buddy Rufus.  I'm not sure why he was always trying to sniff my butt. That's just how dogs are, I guess.

After hiking, or pretty much any other time, I liked to sleep in comfortable places.

Then one day I got very sick.  I started to feel very very tired.  All my friends came by to visit me and I know they all cared a lot for me.  Kevin stayed home from work and I slept by his feet with Rufus next to me.

After three days of fighting, I died on August 2, 2012.  I was about eleven years old.  Don't worry about me, though.  If you think of me, I'll still be there.

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