With all that is going on in the economy these days, you can't help but think about how this situation is going to work out. Is it going to get worse? Much worse? For how long? When will it get better? It can be quite a thought provoking and tiresome effort if you get too deep into thinking about all the possibilities.
During one of my deep thought episodes, I came to this conclusion: We already have enough stuff, we just need to distribute it better. (or redistribute it). Basically, I have been trying to overcome my procrastination over the past couple of years and get better about parting with junk I no longer need. I've tried garage sales and occasional trips to Good Will, but no matter how much I work at it, there's just more junk.
When I say junk, I mean it is junk to me... I no longer need it. And, there's part of the answer. This weekend, a friend of mine is going to come over and help me part with even more stuff. (Think of it as a type of intervention or moral support moment). The charity this time is one that works with needy people who are trying to get set up in an apartment. They just need the basic items for the kitchen, dining room, or whatever. Perfect! I'm thinking I have enough stuff to fill an entire apartment. Here's a partial list:
Queen size futon
2 end tables
2 table lamps
set of cutting boards - unused, a duplicate gift
2 small blankets
storage containers
closet shelf / whatever you call it from the container store
miscellaneous objects from the world of IKEA
2 shoe racks
small wooden desk
laundry basket
... and the list goes on.
How did I even end up with all of this stuff? Well, in part it was when I got married and we consolidated all of our things together. However, most of this stuff just found its way to the basement where it has been unused for several years. Hopefully, it will be on its way to someone else's home where it can help them out.
I do wonder if all the charities are getting maxed out taking in all of this stuff. People who have had their homes foreclosed probably did similar things as they came to the realization that they couldn't keep their belongings, but that someone else could probably be helped. It seems kind of ironic that the charities might be seeing a flood of donations of material things like this while, at the same time, they are seeing increasing needs from all fronts. Homeless people probably just need food and shelter.
Well, maybe if you're in a good situation, but have been procrastinating about clearing out all of the unneeded furniture and household items, you can take this as some motivation. There's probably someone who can use the help.
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