Sunday, June 17, 2012

Another Paleo Hero - Denise Minger

I can't believe I forgot to mention Denise Minger in my last Paleo post.

She is perhaps most famous for her review of The China Study, which revealed serious flaws in the way in which the data in the study supported the claims of the authors.  Full story

Campbell: I find it very puzzling that someone with virtually no training in this science can do such a lengthy and detailed analysis in their supposedly spare time.
Campbell: I have no proof, of course, whether this young girl is anything other than who she says she is, but I find it very difficult to accept her statement that this was her innocent and objective reasoning, and hers alone. If she did this alone, based on her personal experiences from age 7 (as she describes it), I am more than impressed.
Then thank you for the compliment, Mr. Campbell! I’m definitely a singular person, so I’m glad to more-than-impress you.
Initially, I didn’t want to muddy this post with retorts to statements like this, but really. What’s so hard to believe about a 23-year-old Super Nerd deciding to tackle a project out of personal interest? What do I need to show to prove I’ve got a brain in this noggin? 

Another reason why she is a hero is somewhat related to my post on climate science.  As the quote above shows, I think that the "experts" whose work used to hide in expensive professional journals that were not widely read are now becoming widely accessible.  That is great.  It is undoubtedly going to lead to a better outcome for society.

As Matt Ridley calls it, the Internet is "ideas having sex". matt_ridley_when_ideas_have_sex  That freedom of exchange of information enriches us all.  The "old guard" better get ready for some change.

Oh, and you should read everything Denise has ever written including her upcoming book.

"The recent silence here is mostly because I’m spending 22.5 hours a day finishing my upcoming book “Death by Food Pyramid,” which should be available towards the end of this year."  [2012]

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