Sunday, August 19, 2012

This Week's Gruel - More Beef and Liver - with Dog Treats

This week's gruel is pretty much like last week's:

48 oz tomato sauce
1 shallot
10 baby carrots
6 large brussel sprouts
1.3 lb grass fed beef roast
1/4 lb grass fed beef liver

However, the twist was baking some liver treats for Rufus.  I cut 1/4 lb of liver into strips and baked in an oiled pizza pan at 300 for about 15 minutes.  Yum! says Rufus.

Here's the pics:

Ready in 6-8 hours...

Almost forgot the Kale!

This was 1/2 lb and I don't "love" liver yet, so I split it with Rufus

1/4" thick strips - baked at 300 for about 15 minutes.

Finished product - keep in the fridge for a week's worth of treats.

Are these to your liking, sir?

Be careful when feeding - I almost lost a finger.

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